Thursday, October 21, 2010

we have wood

Our neighbor cut down one of their trees this week and my brother-in-law [Mr. G] was practically drooling over the wood and the prospect of all the backyard fires & smores that could be had.

This tree was massive and when I stepped out the front door this morning I was greeted by this huge piece of the trunk. I have to admit, my inner 12 year old did have the urge to climb all over it but I suppressed it and took a ton of photos instead.

I tried to count the rings but lost track around 35.......

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Friday, October 15, 2010


Mrs. N [daily partner in crime at the studio] picked this up for me, wasn't that thoughtful! I will definitely be putting this to good use once the new space is complete. I think I've got a pretty good idea of the new layout. It's a slow process, bit by bit and I just want to get in there and finish it! Good lesson in patience.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

well i feel like a whiney bitch

[he begins playing WITH HIS FEET at 2:15]

[...a little perspective never hurt...]

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Monday, October 4, 2010

tied in knots

The new studio space is finally coming together unfortunately it's at the expense of my neck. I used to be able to sleep no matter the amount of stress I was under but lately, while I sleep and dream, I go over all the things I need to accomplish. All this does is cause my neck to become one huge ball of tension that radiates up the back of my head. I'm dying to get into the studio and put in place all the plans I have. I am not the best at being patient. Hopefully within the next week or so I can begin to de-clutter and de-stress.
Let's just hope my neck makes it......
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