Tuesday, June 15, 2010

seriously how loud can one woman sneeze?

I was waiting in my car this afternoon for my late day hit of caffeine. The windows were down, it was warm and sunny. And as I was sitting there I noticed an older woman begin to walk across the parking lot with a young girl, her granddaughter I assume, she was maybe 3 or 4. And just as they passed in front of me I sneezed. The woman looked up with a slight jerk, surprised to hear such a sound from the interior of someones car. She smiled and said "Bless You", she seemed nice and considerate. But for the love of pete how unfeminine to sneeze so loudly. And it's not just that it's loud, it reverberates. There is something about me that makes sound carry. I ALWAYS got caught talking in class. My friends? Not so much. My laugh is more a sudden burst of sound and even in a quiet setting when I whisper one or two heads will turn at the sound of my voice. If only I could carry a tune, I would make one hell of a singer!

xo, Mrs. B

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

lady gaga is taking over the world

i love weekend mornings {and by weekend i mean sunday because saturdays are a work day for me - whine, whine, whine...} anyway i love to sit in bed sunday mornings and drink like 4 cups of coffee with something yummy for breakfast {which means something that contains absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever}. usually some kind of pastry dripping in frosting and butter, but calories do not count, that's right DO NOT count on the weekends. i know, i know i should have passed this info along way before now but better late than never right? any-who....so how does lady gaga fit into all of this, well i had a bit of time this morning {yes on a saturday} and one of my most very favorite things do lately on these lovely weekend mornings while eating my zero calorie dripping in butter breakfast and drinking my coffee is blog snogging, at least that's what i call it. you know, clicking "next blog" and seeing where the wondrous internet takes me. it's a crap shoot, most blogs are just someones self righteous rant or about how their kids are better than yours and so on. but every so often i come across a blog that i can't get enough of. they're never crazy over the top, just someones day-to-day that seems more interesting than my life or says the things i wish i could........

and this is where lady gaga fits in {you just have to hang in there and we'll eventually get to my point}. i came across this video on a random blog and I LOVE IT!

it reminds me of when we were kids & we'd pretend we were the girl group of the monkees. {they were the first concert I went to, which is odd because this was in the 80's but we LOVED them} we'd take board game boxes and stack them like keyboards, tennis rackets were guitars, pillows and empty upside down boxes drums. it's funny I can't remember what "instrument" I played but i was over the moon for davy jones - god i'm lame.

xo, mrs. b

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